My name is Carlotta and I am an Italo-American photographer based in Florence.
I started playing with my dad’s Pentax when I was 8, and from there my love for photography never stopped growing.
I was constantly annoying my friends and neighbors with endless portrait sessions, running around documenting the world as if there was no tomorrow, carefully dedicating my time to personal projects and photography books…
One day I decided to try and make photography my profession, and I was lucky enough to find amazing mentors and teachers along the way, namely George Woodman (father of Francesca) and my good friend Emiliano Cribari.
Though I worked mainly in the wedding photography field, I also took part in documenting public events and conferences in Florence (Festival delle Religioni); I collaborated with local realities promoting cultural activities in my city (Associazione Mus.E, The Florentine, Gruppo Editoriale); I had the pleasure of exhibiting my work for the project “KamerArt.Lab_Frontier Chronichles” in Florence with the patronage of the city of Florence and Quartiere 2, and I tackled many different kinds of photographic works (interiors, corporate, events, fashion).
Ultimately, though, to me, photography is a way of experiencing the world and sharing what makes us all the same, what makes us human.
Read more in the Philosophy section.